
It’s not by accident that we have the joy of meeting you today.  So we want to share Christ’s love for you with a genuinely sincere heart.  We’re eager to know you, and we’re excited to share with you the marvelous ways God is working in the life of our church family. 

We desire to partner with you as you live out God’s perfect plan for your life.  It won’t take you long to discover that The Well is truly a family. 

We purpose to grow together as we worship and serve our Faithful God through sharing His burden for a lost world. 

We purpose to grow closer to God through a daily walk in His Word, and we reach out to our world with life transforming truth. 

We reach out to YOU, as well…Come join us at The Well.

There’s a place for you, at last!


Who Are We?

We are a fellowship of Christians who believe the Bible is the foundation and encouragement for our walk and joy in life!

Vision:  We will be a vibrant and growing fellowship of Holy Spirit filled believers, passionate about being disciples of Jesus Christ, supporting His body and sharing His love with our world!

What Do We Do?

Mission:  Our mission is to be the church God created us to be, by daily carrying out His Great Commandment (Mt. 22:37-40) and His Great Commission (Mt. 28:18-20.) 

Core Values of our Body:   As members of The Well Church, we individually commit the following to Christ and to each other, for Christ and for each other.

1. To maintain my daily walk with Christ and a clean heart before him.

2. To develop and practice an effective prayer life for my family and our church body.

3. To personally seek the growth of our ministry through personal evangelism.

4. To promote spiritual maturity in every area of our body.

5. To actively guard and promote a spirit of unity in our body.

6. To find my purpose in our body and fulfill it faithfully, with excellence.

7. To give Biblically, faithfully and sacrificially of my finances to our body and its mission.

How Do We Do What We Do?

The Vision and Mission of The Well Church are summarized in the following statement.

Loving Jesus…Loving each other…Loving our world!

Loving Jesus means spending time with Jesus.  This personal WALK with Jesus involves daily time in God’s word where we begin to truly understand who Jesus is.  This is how we grow in the love relationship with our Savior that we were created for.

Loving each other means spending time with each other.  This is our personal and faithful commitment to our local body in FELLOWSHIP and service where we collectively carry out the Great Commandment and Great Commission.

Loving our world means taking possession of God’s heart for the people in our world.  It involves allowing God to work in and through us to love the people around us.  This is true SERVICE to God.

What Do We Believe? 

Statement of Faith:

1.  We believe in the verbal inspiration and authority of the scriptures.  We believe that the Bible reveals God, the fall of man, the way of salvation and God's plan and purpose in the ages.
2.  We believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
3.  We believe in the deity, virgin birth and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ.
4.  We believe that salvation is "by grace" plus nothing and minus nothing.  The conditions to salvation are repentance and faith.
5.  We believe that men are justified by faith alone and are accounted righteous before God only through the merit of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Justification is an eternal relationship that can never be broken.

6.  We believe in the visible, personal and pre-millennial return of Jesus Christ.

7.  We believe in the everlasting conscious blessedness of the saved and the everlasting conscious punishment of the lost.

What Makes Us Baptists?

 As Baptists, we hold to certain doctrines.  Perhaps the best way to remember these is to consider the word BAPTISTS.

B – Biblical authority

A – Autonomy of the Local Church

P – Priesthood of all believers

T – Two Church Ordinances – 1. Baptism2. Communion

I – Individual Soul Liberty

S – Saved & Baptized Church Membership

T – Two Church Offices – 1. Pastor2. Deacon

S – Separation of Church and State